National Minimum Data Set For Social Care - ASC-WDS

The Partnership can help you get started, update and meet the requirements with advice and information.  It will help with your CQC requirements too.  As a point of note, We do not see your data, nor do we have any access to it.  It belongs to you.

For Passwords, issues and access to the data set please call the ASC-WDS helpdesk.

ASC-WDS Helpdesk: Tel. 0845 873 0129 pdf

Please click here for further information regarding ASC-WDS.

Why the ASC-WDS?

Central Government needs information on Workforce Intelligence and we need funds.  It has become a way to demonstrate just how massive and important the workforce is in social care.  It ensures we continue to have funding for the qualifications needed to support those receiving our care.

The ASC-WDS has been created to gather information about the social care sector in England.   This information will be crucial to help identify services and information about the social care workforce, which will support relevant funding.

New REPORT tool to help identify if you are eligible or not eligible (and why) for funding.

The benefits of the ASC-WDS

You can use it with your provider compliance (workforce data)

You can access Funding through your local partnership (that’s us)  

You can see like on like for workforce development

You can use the ‘Bulk Upload’ tool to reduce the amount of time it takes to input data

You can use it to show how your service is developing and benchmark against the local authority

You can use it to provide your local authority the workforce and training data they may require as part of your contract

The ASC-WDS aims to benefit both the adult social care as a whole and individual social care employers. The information is designed to gather evidence  of the size, structure and skills of the social care sector.  This is needed to inform the government to help influence policy and funding.

For us,  the ASC-WDS aims to benefit social care employers, by enabling care providing establishments to keep an up to date online account of their workforce, allowing managers to identify future skills and competencies needed to deliver new and improved services.

It is clear to see from the ASC-WDS, that increased knowledge from the data collected is already being used by the Department of Health.

By using the  ASC-WDS data Skills for Care have been able to project that an estimated 2.5 million people will be needed in social care related employment by 2025. Skills for Care recognise the effort and hard work you have started and expressed their thanks to all of these employers who have become part of the data set so far.