Wiltshire Council supports learning and development in the adult health and social care sector with a fully blended approach to training.
As well as instructor-led, participative short workshops, we have made available a series of Kwango elearning programmes covering the following topics:
- Understanding autism (see important note below*)
- Carers awareness
- Dementia
- Direct payments
- Mental Capacity Act
- MCA / Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
- Personal Assistant - induction
- Safeguarding adults
- Person centred thinking
Please email Sharon Cloude sharon.cloude@wiltshire.gov.uk for login details to be able to access this elearning. You’ll only need one user name and password to access all the different topics available.
* Understanding autism
'Fulfilling and rewarding lives' is the strategy for adults with autism in Wiltshire, written by Wiltshire Autism Partnership (WAP). The strategy identifies "increasing understanding and awareness" as a priority and states that “a training programme is required which, not only takes into account the theory of autism, but also the underpinning values and attitudes that makes a good support worker. Training should be delivered in partnership with people with autism and carers; it should be based on a human rights approach, recognising an individual’s strengths, building confidence, independence and understanding the impact of the environment.”
Skills for Health, Skills for Care and the National Autistic Society published information that defined three levels of autism skills and knowledge, with underpinning values and attitudes for all staff in health and social care settings at all levels.
1. Basic awareness: for everyone whose day to day role brings them into contact with one or more people who have autism
2. Intermediate skills and knowledge: for everyone who has frequent or intensive contact with people with autism. Also, for those who spend little time but have high impact on outcomes for people with autism - a proportion of staff in all teams.
3. Specialist development: for workers in roles focused specifically on people with autism.
The Kwango elearning programme ‘Understanding autism’ identifies awareness and intermediate level learning and development for defined roles and organisations. It also describes work in progress regarding specialist level.